The Boykin Christmas Parade
The Boykin Christmas Parade

Register for the Boykin Christmas Parade

Registration is currently under way. Please be sure to submit your form by December 13, 2022.

To participate in the Boykin Christmas Parade, please fill out the form below, or print and complete the 2022 Boykin Christmas Parade Entry Form and the Hold Harmless form.

This year EACH float entry will be asked to donate $35 or more to the Swift Creek Church Fund. Money collected on behalf of The Boykin Christmas Parade for float entries and parking spaces will go to the preservation of The Swift Creek Church.

We look forward to seeing you this year!!!!

Name of Participant and/or Group
Contact Person
Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Name of Parade Entry
Do You Have Music?
Mailing Address 1
Mailing Address 2
Full Description of Entry (tell us about yourself or your group; this information will be read by the announcers during the live WPUB radio broadcast).
Length of Entire Entry (include trailers for hauling)
How many years have you been in the Parade?
Vehicle Information



Entrant agrees that the Boykin Christmas Parade Committee and Directors are not responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur before, during or after the Parade. The individual completing this form is responsible for his entry and the conduct of all participants.

No riding up and down street before or after the parade. All entries should operate in a safe manner at all times.

By checking this box, entrant agrees to the statements above.


Donation for Swift Creek Church Mailed
(Make checks payable to Swift Creek Church).
Please mail donation to:
Boykin Chrstmas Parade - Church Donation
PO Box 894
Camden, SC 29021


= required

For more information, contact us at:
p | 803-424-4731   f | 803-432-5714